Uusimaa meet
I'm generally busy on Sundays, so a Saturday would be good for me, and preferably a couple of weeks into August, where the weather might be interesting.
However, I'd have to check Huovila or something like that to make sure it's possible on the days suggested. Actually, that might be better further into Autumn as then the Ruska season really starts.
too many options, not enough time. I'll be busy the next couple of weekends.
Also interesting would be Helsinki in October or so on an evening / night. Lots of people, traffic, neon....
my kit: K3, K5, K-01, DA 18-55, D-FA50 macro, Siggy 30/1.4, 100-300/f4, 70-200/2.8, Samsung 12-24/f4, Tamron 17-50, and lots of other bits.
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1470 posts
15 years
Work: Helsinki; Home: Lahti
mietti, mietti, mietti
Location suggestions welcome; I figure H:ki is good because it's easy to get to, but somewhere like Huovilan Puisto would be great.
my kit: K3, K5, K-01, DA 18-55, D-FA50 macro, Siggy 30/1.4, 100-300/f4, 70-200/2.8, Samsung 12-24/f4, Tamron 17-50, and lots of other bits.