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Updated Limited lenses

Posted 22/02/2021 - 23:20 Link
Pentax Rumours are showing the three FF compatible Limited lenses, 31mm, 43mm, 77mm, are to have new coatings and be labelled HD; the prices will also be less than current versions. Which is bloody annoying as I have recently bought the 77mm!
Posted 23/02/2021 - 08:02 Link
From what I can tell the only differences (apart from possibly price) are a change to HD coatings and rounded aperture blades. I would have thought that at the very least they'd add quick-shift if not WR and an in-lens focus motor, to bring these classics up to modern standards.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 23/02/2021 - 08:31 Link
Jonathan-Mac wrote:
From what I can tell the only differences (apart from possibly price) are a change to HD coatings and rounded aperture blades. I would have thought that at the very least they'd add quick-shift if not WR and an in-lens focus motor, to bring these classics up to modern standards.

I guess it is easy to apply a coating to an existing production model and modify the blades whereas adding a motor would require major re-engineering and probably add bulk. I just hope that to reduce cost they are not compromising on the quality.
Edited by RobL: 23/02/2021 - 08:32
Posted 23/02/2021 - 09:54 Link
Jonathan-Mac wrote:
modern standards.

Doesn't that mean an obligatory 3 times the size, 3 times the weight and 3 times the price?

Posted 23/02/2021 - 13:29 Link
The danger with going too far to "modernise" these three gems, is that the individual quality they possess could be lost. HD coatings by all means, but anything more must mean a complete re-design.

I won't be in a hurry to replace my old versions. I am well used to knowing when to use say the 31mm LTD and when not to. If I want an image that has a unique rendering of the in-focus to out-of-focus transitions, it gets bayoneted onto the K1. If I am shooting trees against a sky, it stays at home !
Edited by pschlute: 23/02/2021 - 13:32
Posted 24/02/2021 - 09:29 Link
Lubbyman wrote:
Jonathan-Mac wrote:
modern standards.

Doesn't that mean an obligatory 3 times the size, 3 times the weight and 3 times the price?


That's only Canon, Nikon, Sony... Panasonic, Sigma........ and Pentax's latest copycat lenses, the DFA* series.

I think the FA Limiteds could have benefited from a bit more modernisation without compromising their design philosophy or optics.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 25/02/2021 - 14:55 Link
Just had the official release by email with prices: 31mm £1099, 43mm £649, 77mm £799.99 as against current models 31mm £1349, 43mm £646/£729, 77mm £749. I have ignored the special offers available on Amazon and just quoted the usual retailers, but the Amazon prices will most likely be what the current models will be reduced to.
Posted 25/02/2021 - 20:21 Link
That is good news thank you. I agree with keeping these lenses small and less modern.

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