This Mornings walk
No Problem lovely colures the only problem with Autumn is 1 u need a bit of sun to make the colures Pop and 2 Autumn doesn't last long enough
the only problem with Autumn is 1 u need a bit of sun to make the colures Pop and 2 Autumn doesn't last long enough
Add 3: Sudden, torrential rain when you're walking to the shops because the sun was shining...
Nice photos by the way, both of you.
Marantha - your colouring is often notable for is a beautifully subtle, almost muted look. That 2nd image is so lifted due to your style and the 1st has the right amount of "glow" to enhance but not tint the whole image.
My Flickr page
As always, the B&W really resonated with me. I also liked that loadoftripe shared his image of the Acer. That worked so well.
It's good to share.
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