The New Pentax 17
Posted 19/06/2024 - 07:38
Defragged wrote:
Another warts 'n' all review from one of my favourite online photographers. Dry crude wit aside, he's a hardcore and very knowledgeable film user which I think adds a bit of value to his take on this exciting release from Pentax. I like his photographic style too.
Another warts 'n' all review from one of my favourite online photographers. Dry crude wit aside, he's a hardcore and very knowledgeable film user which I think adds a bit of value to his take on this exciting release from Pentax. I like his photographic style too.
I saw your description before clicking the link and wondered “Is he talking about grainydays?”
An excellent content creator.
Posted 20/06/2024 - 21:29
The Pentax 17 seems like a very interesting camera. Even though I have enough Pentax film cameras to last me a lifetime, I probably will purchase the Pentax 17 eventually. Maybe the most appealing aspect of the Pentax 17 would be to be able to purchase a brand new camera with a warranty. No dust or mould in the viewfinder. No rotten light seals. No unrepairable electronics.
Posted 28/06/2024 - 10:00
Just watched a YouTube video by Thomas Heaton using one for a trip in America.
Nobody is perfect, but being Scottish is a start
Posted 28/06/2024 - 12:38
I saw them in a shop on Tuesday already for sale.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 23/07/2024 - 12:17
Just ordered a 17 today from, saved a little money with the new user welcome code so that's nice. It will be my first zone focus and half frame camera.
Posted 24/07/2024 - 14:01
Jonathan-Mac wrote:
When I saw the price yesterday my eyes just about popped out of my head and I spent the next five minutes repeating to myself:
"Five. Hundred. Dollars. For a guess-focus half-frame camera..."
Making it half-frame is a big mistake as it seriously limits the quality it can achieve. Making it guess-focus is another mistake for the same reason. And now the price is out by at least a factor of five.
I will most certainly be sticking to my old film SLRs.
When I saw the price yesterday my eyes just about popped out of my head and I spent the next five minutes repeating to myself:
"Five. Hundred. Dollars. For a guess-focus half-frame camera..."
Making it half-frame is a big mistake as it seriously limits the quality it can achieve. Making it guess-focus is another mistake for the same reason. And now the price is out by at least a factor of five.
I will most certainly be sticking to my old film SLRs.
I have only just noticed this.
Nobody outside Pentax knows whether the decisions made regarding this camera were a mistake or not. Pentax's aim, like all other commercial companies, is to make a profit. And that means that sometimes they will produce cameras with little appeal to the denizens of Pentax-User.
The 17, very obviously, is aimed at young people who know nothing of ISO or DOF or a dozen other things. They just want a camera that takes better pictures than their phone, and doesn't require a degree in post-processing digital images.
I understand that before finalising the design Pentax undertook a great deal of research in their home market, where most Pentax cameras are sold. There is therefore a good chance that they got it right with this camera.
But I do agree with Mac that it's not a camera for old stagers who know and love film, and who would probably be ecstatic to see a new MX or K2, made to last like the originals.
And if £500 seems high, a new MX would be a multiple of that.
Keywords: Charming, polite, and generally agreeable.
Posted 25/08/2024 - 08:29
I finally did a YouTube VIDEO on my 'Findings' and show the Films I used and some A4 prints ( Computer Prints -- too HOT to do Darkroom Prints at the Moment ! )
Been a member of Pentax Club since the Ron Spillman era! Got COMPUTERISED at last - DIGITISED?
Posted 25/08/2024 - 17:02
Thanks for sharing Peter, some insightful findings regarding the Pentax 17 and love your knowledge of film.
Pentax K-01 (Silver) / XS40mm / HD21mm
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