Take What You See
Posted 11/10/2023 - 14:16 - Helpful Comment
Ratcatcher wrote:
not anything specific. Just taking picture of what I see.
not anything specific. Just taking picture of what I see.
Yes!!! And the more you do it, the more you'll notice the rich variety and photographic opportunities in the familiar. And then when you think you've seen it all, something will change - even just the light, weather or season - and you'll see a whole lot of new potential for photographs. Been there, done it, still doing it...
One final thought, something that has worked for me. Take one lens with you, photograph what you see. Next time you go to the same place, take a different lens and photograph what you see with that one. And if you've taken a zoom, stick to either the long or short end. Just an idea .
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607 posts
18 years
The Photographic Eye https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWy2m1XcqBs.
Since watching this one I've whatched more, and have found how much of what he says just makes sence.
Now I've picked up my camera again and gone out with more confidence taking photo's again, but not anything specific. Just taking picture of what I see.