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Pentax FA 24-90mm

Posted 05/12/2017 - 21:26 Link
For anyone who might be interested and lives in or around Oxfordshire, there is an ad on Gumtree for a Pentax FA 24-90mm lens all boxed with hood and claimed to be in excellent condition. It's not cheap at an asking price of £199.00 but certainly cheaper than the current crop for sale on ebay.
C.O.L.B.A.S victim
(Compulsive Obsessive Lens Buying Addiction Syndrome)

What you need are lenses, more lenses, bigger lenses, better lenses, faster lenses, vintage lenses and when you have these, your pictures will be perfect!
Posted 06/12/2017 - 06:38 Link
They usually go for much less, I'd say it's worth less than half the asking price.
Pentax hybrid user - Digital K3, film 645 and 35mm SLR and Pentax (&other) lenses adapted to Fuji X and Panasonic L digital
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses
Posted 06/12/2017 - 07:51 Link
Jonathan-Mac wrote:
They usually go for much less, I'd say it's worth less than half the asking price.

You may perhaps be thinking of a different lens. I sold mine for £200 and that seems to be the going rate based on ebay completed listings.
Posted 06/12/2017 - 08:13 Link
£200 for the 24-90mm is a good price. They were £300 a few years ago.

I personally prefer the 24-50mm.

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Posted 06/12/2017 - 10:12 Link
I'd expect better images in the ad....for clean glass and good working condition £150-200 is not unreasonable. I only sold mine a few years ago as I thought a FF Pentax would never see the light of day, wish I kept it now.
AKA Welshwizard/PWynneJ
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff

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