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Optio M20 Poor Image Quality

George Lazarette
Posted 19/01/2007 - 20:33 Link
LiamD wrote:

Saying that, I'm definitely not going to give up with SP.. if everyone else gets results, then my guess would be that I'm probably doing it wrong..



It's worth persevering. There are a lot of different controls to tweak, and I haven't done much more than scratch the surface myself.

I mainly shoot people, and I find I can get very good skin tone by trying the skin colour tool on different parts of the face until I get the right result. It only takes a second or two.

As for saturation, have you tried "memory colour 1"? It warms and saturates any picture in a very pleasing (if sometimes slightly chocolate boxy) way.

Keywords: Charming, polite, and generally agreeable.
Posted 19/01/2007 - 21:10 Link
George Lazarette wrote:
I mainly shoot people

I used to shoot people, then they caught me.
Tim the Ammonyte
K10D & sundry toys
Posted 19/01/2007 - 21:43 Link
There's some people that I'd like to shoot - but they just won't pose long enough for me to take aim...

Fan and user of quality Pentax Shiny Kit


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Posted 19/01/2007 - 21:46 Link
Shoot 'em first . . . ask 'em to pose later. That's how Clint Eastwood would have done it . . . had he been a photographer, that is.
Peter E Smith - flickr Photostream
Posted 20/01/2007 - 07:01 Link
ok, here's my final thoughts on this; does it not seem strange that there are numerous people that are dissatisfied with the quality of the photo's produced by the M20 when it's left to it's own devices? If it was a case of the settings requiring tweaking on all these P&S type camera's then this issue would raise it's head every time somebody buys a P&S (or maybe rather the first time they buy a P&S) which I presume is not the case. Therefore would it not be reasonable to suppose that there is an elemental flaw in specifically how the Optio M20 is working? From my experience in different environments my M20 takes a 'poor' (in relative terms) photograph more often than not.
Posted 20/01/2007 - 12:56 Link
JimN - perfect summary of my thoughts. I would never expect the M20 to achieve SLR type results, nor would I expect it to achieve very good results in poor lighting conditions or using its flash.

As I said I was, however, really expecting the quality of its results to be a bit better than our Samsung A400 (4MP, not 7 and built by an 'electronics' manufacturer, rather that a recognised 'quality' camera manufacturer).

We've had our Samsung for 2 years now, it's always on 'Auto', the results on 'Auto' are good enough that I've never considered the need to change settings. Sure, a few shots in a run are poor, but most surpass the quality I'm getting from the M20. Over the last few days I've shown some people (who I know own compact digitals at leat 18 months old) shots from the M20 and the reactions have been "oh, glad I didn't get one of those etc, etc!"

I think there is a focus/lens issue with the M20. I nearly always find that if I change the focus mode to 'Macro', or 'Super Macro', don't change any other setting and shoot some close ups (see my shot of the cat), then the results are great. With focus on 'normal' I get the blurry results.
Posted 20/01/2007 - 13:08 Link
I've no experience of Pentax P&S cameras. I have a Fujifilm Finepix F810, it's in auto all the time except when I want to get close and then I turn on the 'macro' function. I have never been disappointed with the results. It is my camera of choice when I'm out and about walking, shopping, cycling. Too much harm can come to my 'proper' cameras in these environments.

I have put a link on another thread regarding EU directive 1999/44/EC. In a nutshell, if you believe the camera was faulty at the time of purchase (after some time in March 2003 and not fit for intended purpose), you can claim a repair or replacement for up to 6 years from the date of purchase in UK. If you've had the camera more than 6 months its your responsibility to prove (with sample images I guess) that this was the case.

Good luck,
Peter E Smith - flickr Photostream
Angelo Pepe
Posted 08/08/2008 - 21:52 Link
Hi Everyone,

For whatever it's worth, I own an M20 and as long as I have the settings right for the scene I'm shooting the pictures come out just fine. The camera has performed very well for me.


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