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Offers please 17-70

Posted 26/05/2013 - 16:55 Link
For sale is this DA17-70 F4 lens. There is a problem with the sdm focussing- it will focus but often reaches its focus point in increments in a rather juddery fashion.

Having gotten rid of my K5 I find this a bit heavy on the KR so don't wish to keep it.

The cosmetic and optical condition are very good and the images it produces are very good indeed. It comes boxed with front and rear caps and hood.

If anyone is interested please PM me with an offer.
Posted 26/05/2013 - 17:37 Link
I have this lens and although it produces very good results, mine to also suffers from the same symptoms and often have to refer to manual focusing.
I sent the lens to Johnson' s with a description of the faults only to be returned with them saying and I quote "is working fine and meets pentax specifications"

Well, if this is how a £500 + lens is supposed to perform and meets pentax spec then it gives me no confidence to purchase further pentax da lenses.

Hope you have joy in your sale.
Posted 27/05/2013 - 18:02 Link
This is interesting. I have a 17-70 bought second hand, primarily for use at weddings, although also intended for landscape work. I use it for weddings on my K-5 mk1, as my K-5IIs is usually paired with a Sigma 105 DG EX Macro.

Shaun Wilson has exactly the same setup on one of his wedding cameras, so when I was out with Shaun on Saturday I mentioned that my 17-70 tended to 'hunt' and 'jiggle' on the focussing, particularly at the longer end. I swapped lenses with Shaun and found that his copy does not have any issues. However, I have narrowed this down a bit further and found as follows:

- When the 17-70 is mounted on the K-5 and AF is set at 'AF-C', the focussing issues are apparent

- When it is on the same camera and set at 'AF-S' there is little or no problem with focussing - I took close on 400 shots with this combination yesterday at a wedding, many in poor light, and it nailed focus on 95% of them

- I tested Shaun's 17-70 on my K-5 mk1 and there was no hunting or 'jiggle', even on the 'AF-C' setting, so it appears this issue may affect some copies and not others

- On my K-5IIs, there is no focussing issue with the same lens that has some minor issues on the mk1 - it locks on and does not hunt

The issues I have with mine are not severe enough to require manual focussing and I am comfortable the lens will not let me down under pressure, but only if I leave the focus setting on 'AF-S', which is fine for what I use it for.

I would be interested to hear what other DA 17-70 owners think, particularly those who have both K-5 mk1 and K-5 mk2.


Nicola's Apartments, Kassiopi, Corfu

Some cameras, some lenses, some bits 'n' bobs
Edited by davidstorm: 27/05/2013 - 18:03
Posted 02/06/2013 - 21:55 Link
Posted 04/06/2013 - 08:27 Link
I'm a long time fan of the DA17-70, as others probably know I think it's highly underrated. I shoot landscapes and often use selective focus and in this mode never have a problem. The SDM has thrown a slight wobbly on a couple of occasions but generally I've had no issues with it

Posted 06/06/2013 - 21:10 Link
I have just sold my Kr and now only have a film body in K mount. Who will give me £120 including RMSD for this lens. I do think the SDM will need attention but does work (at its own pace).

It is boxed and the optics are all good- bit of dust but nothing you wouldnt get in any zoom after a while.

I will take some pics of it and post them.
Posted 06/06/2013 - 21:43 Link
What does it feel like when in manual focus, and gritty grindy feel to it?

Posted 06/06/2013 - 22:05 Link
The focus ring feels extremley lightweight but no grittines- I cant remember if the manual focus ring ever had more resistance to it than it does now though.
Posted 06/06/2013 - 22:49 Link
£100 all in any good?

Posted 07/06/2013 - 13:06 Link
lens now sold to strumstrum pending payment .
Posted 07/06/2013 - 21:54 Link
just sent payment with Thanks

Posted 11/06/2013 - 11:44 Link
lens arrived with Thanks, well packaged and all good..

initial tests on both the k5II and the k30 are I do not notice a juddery AF, it hasn't 100% nailed focus indoors under a lower light but I cannot think of a lenses that do.. we shall see how it goes but I was always prepared on this being a MF lens so its win win.

again Thanks

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