MX light leaks - how to fix them?
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Fast, sharp 50mm F Series vintage lens from Pentax. John Riley reviews this easily adapted, widely available f/1.7 classic, sharing sample photos, MTF & CA performance charts along with his verdict of this standard length K mount lens.
Photograph titled 'Oyster Fungi' by sueriley selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
2292 posts
14 years
Madrid / Edinburgh
I recently acquired a used MX which is in good condition on the whole, but had virtually no light seals or mirror bumper left. I took it in to a local shop for a new bumper & seals (£34) and they now look ok to me except inside the mirror box, along the sides of the focusing screen. Here they do not seem to have been replaced but are not severely degraded. I can't imagine much light getting in there.
I've now run a roll of film through the camera & quite a few of the shots show light leakage. Most of the shots are ok though, so it's intermittent. Some shots were entirely destroyed.
Ths most common leak seems to be across the centre (top to bottom), and I thought maybe the judas window is causing it?
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Fan of DA limited and old manual lenses