Making/Manufacture, Weekly Competition
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Photograph titled 'Give In?' by VonBatCat selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
Photograph titled 'The Wanaka Tree' by stevistds selected as Pentax User's Photo of the Week.
585 posts
13 years
This weeks competition is up and open for entries. The theme is Making/Manufacture.
This week I'd like to see your photographs that relate to making or manufacture, past or present. This could be industrial or arts and crafts, I'm even happy to have images of historic factories and equipment as long as the content of the image relates to something being made past or present. Please do have a go and join in this weekly bit of fun.
The usual weekly rules apply, images have to be taken with a Pentax camera or accepted clone. Images can be taken for the competition or from your archives. The winner of the competition will be expected to set and judge next week competition.
Closing date for entries is midnight Sunday 7th
Best regards