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Introducing myself

Posted 24/08/2012 - 15:37 Link
Hi there!
Finally, after several years of being a Pentax (ab)user, I decided to register as one.

Have been using a K100D, K20D and now since april last year a K5. besides that I'm an analog medium format shooter (Bronica gear). Cannot afford the 645D yet (and the sensor is too darn small imho, I want 6x6! )

I wonder what the Pentax future will bring ; I'm anxious to see the successor of the K5, or even the 645D.
Posted 24/08/2012 - 16:01 Link
Welcome to the Forum, enjoy the experience and at looking at your photographs.

K5's (2)both gripped, K10d gripped, Pentax 28-90 f3.5, Sigma 18-250mm, Sigma 150-500mm. Sigma 105mm f/2.8 EX DG Macro, Sigma 10-20 f.4-5.6.EX DC, Hoya 135 f2.8, Take on 28mm f2.8 Pentax AF360 flash, 2 fill in slaves. 30 metre remote release, Rt angle viewfinder, Giotto NOT 3261B Tripod with Manfrotto 808Rd4 ball head, Manfroto 4861RC2 monopoly, shoulder stock, various filters etc, Panasonic SET HBS HD Video cam, Tamrac Explorer 8x backpack and a sore back.....
Photography is an index for measuring futility and pride.......


Posted 24/08/2012 - 17:33 Link
Welcome Marcel, looking forward to seeing some on your images on here.
Posted 24/08/2012 - 17:44 Link
Welcome Marcel,

I've enjoyed browsing your web site. Some interesting landscapes.

There are a number of us on here who would fancy a 645. Don't tell our wives though
Posted 24/08/2012 - 18:40 Link
Welcome aboard Marcel, look forward to your input.
Posted 24/08/2012 - 19:31 Link
Hello and Welcome!

"I'm here because the whiskey is free" - Tyla

PPG link
Flickr link
Posted 24/08/2012 - 21:20 Link
Hello and Welcome
K10D, K5 plus plenty of clueless enthusiasm.

My Flickr site link
Posted 25/08/2012 - 08:54 Link
Welcome Marcel, I too look forward to seeing your photographs, Espacially when you get the Digital 6X6.
K5+Bigma+BushHawk Shoulderpod.
K5+16-50DA* + 10-17DA Fisheye + 50-135DA* + Sigma 70mm Macro + DA35 2.4..
Slik Pro 700DX tripod.
Posted 25/08/2012 - 09:24 Link
Hello and Welcome to the Forum
Posted 26/08/2012 - 14:32 Link
Thank you all for the warm welcome!
Posted 27/08/2012 - 12:34 Link
Welcome. Interesting web-site.

I like your landscapes. They have a contemplative quality about them.
Posted 27/08/2012 - 13:50 Link
"Contemplative quality" - I think I really like that compliment. Thank you! I am often looking to capture what we call in dutch "rust". I think the correct english translation would be "peace and quiet". I am very happy to see that the landscapes had this effect.
Posted 27/08/2012 - 14:59 Link
Welcome to ze forums!

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