inspired by Gartmore
I love the second one though! The colours are fantastic and the focus is absolutely perfect - one of the best "bee on flower" portraits I think I've seen on here, excellent!
“We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson -
So here goes:
tripod mounted camera, 100mm macro, f16, bulb mode, 3200 deg color balance, locking cable release.
2 rechargable flashlights (12 volt halogen).
one flashlight set up with inside a large translucent (white) spaggetti plastic storrage container. sort of set up like a strip light and used at 45 deg camera right for fill (that gave me my base exposure times).
the ohter flashlight was used to backlight, edge and main light by painting.
selective focus done with layers in photoshop.
the background was done in photoshop by manipulating a copy layer from the original layer, and in fact I was practicing a technique (that is better suited for mounting 3 or more images to one background) for making color matching mattes/backgrounds.
the bee was natural light with fill from a ringflash, I bee-lieve .
ps thanx Hefty1 javascript:emoticon('')
“We must avoid however, snapping away, shooting quickly and without thought, overloading ourselves with unnecessary images that clutter our memory and diminish the clarity of the whole.” - Henri Cartier-Bresson -
I set up on my kitchen table (studio would've been better, but I needed to keep an eye on my little one while he got his last cartoon in,and prepped for bed).
start to finish about one hour.
the actual shot took about 45 sec.
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6213 posts
19 years
Winterpeg Manitoba Canada
I'm not much of a gardener. but I used what I had in my garden.
but I think Gerri migh be happy if I buy her some flowers and reshoot.
I opened photoshop elements today....first time in a while.
thanx for the inspiration Gartmore!
(ps...I think yours is nicer....but it did keep me busy for bit tonite, got some great ideas for when I do get some better flowers!).
here's another macro for c&c: