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HU: Pentax DL2 + kit lens £398 at Jessops

Posted 18/05/2006 - 11:32 Link
Online and in-store.

Argh.. Now, do I wait for the DS2 or....
Posted 19/05/2006 - 16:07 Link
......Or do you wait until october for the new 10mp camera. It's an endless circle cos when the new one comes out, do you wait for the next one.

Ask yourself:

1) Do I get value for money for the current range
2) Do I have to wait a while for the next camera
3) Will the new camera be more expensive
4) Is the wait not worth it for some mindless extra features on the new camera

If you can answer 'yes' to all four questions, then get the DL2. From what I seen, and from the reviews, it's quite a good DSLR for newcomers.

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