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how to find shutter count

Posted 04/05/2021 - 18:12 Link
Hi folks
did forum search for this but could not find, sorry if it's been covered before and I missed it...

I gather there is a way to determined the shutter count by taking an image and inspecting the exif

could someone be kind enough to point me to a post with the method and required exif viewing software please

Posted 04/05/2021 - 18:31 Link
Various ways, I use Rawtherapee, click top right meta data, and drill down . Can take time finding the first time, but drill in there.
In linux you can use the command exiftool, parsing the shutter count, use grep,
E.g.. exiftool imagefilename I grep "Shutter Count"
Posted 04/05/2021 - 18:43 Link
Alternatively you can take a JPG with the camera and upload it to this link:
Edited by johnha: 04/05/2021 - 18:44
Posted 05/05/2021 - 14:58 Link
Thanks folks

whilst I'm ok with the unix I don't have a machine handy with linux, so I went with the pentax forums option

result : 36877

which feels a bit low to me, I'll have to check my image database.

just out of curiosity, does anyone know if it rolls-over at a particular value, e.g. 65536 ? (65536 = 2^16)


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