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How do you store yours?

Posted 31/01/2019 - 20:32 Link
Hi all
Saw this case link
I actually store mine in the wardrobe (they have their own shelf. But was wondering if something like this would be better or any other ideas?

Pentax K3 gripped,and some lenses

my pbase gallery
Edited by royd63uk: 31/01/2019 - 20:34
Posted 31/01/2019 - 21:04 - Helpful Comment Link
Funnily enough Roy I bought the 46D version of this case just before Christmas.

Have to say its very impressive...well made, very solid and looks like it should last for quite a while. I had about 9-10 lenses in particular i wanted to get out of my wardrobe which is against a cold outside wall.

I've put a large Silica gel (that came with a photocopier) inside one of the compartments inside the case and am hoping that this will suffice to keep my stuff
in good condition. The case itself has an o-ring and is apparently water tight although i'll never test that out deliberately.

Can recommend these anyway if anyone is hovering on the 'buy' button.

SRS were out of stock of the 46D when they had them on offer in November so got mine from Cameraworld...actually for more than £10 cheaper than it would have been at SRS! Delivery was swift and service from store good.
Posted 31/01/2019 - 21:15 Link
Hi Karlo
Yes my wardrobe is also against an outside wall.
I have never had any problems with fungus...but dont want to have either, so am considering one of these.

Pentax K3 gripped,and some lenses

my pbase gallery
Posted 31/01/2019 - 21:26 Link
How much gear can you store in this

Pentax K3 gripped,and some lenses

my pbase gallery
Posted 31/01/2019 - 22:21 - Helpful Comment Link
Quite a bit Roy although the inner case (which is removable in its own right) is not quite as big as the outer plastic shell into the corners...pretty snug along the sides.

I am currently using it to store my Sigma 10-20 f3.5, Tamron 70-300 f4-5.6 Di LD, Pentax DA 55-300 WR, Pentax 18-55 DA-L WR, SMC M 50 f1.7, SMC 75-150, SMC 80-200 f4.5, Pentax DA 100 f2.8 WR macro, a set of 3 extension tubes, set of screw in filters.

There's enough space left for 2 bodies without lenses attached...i've only got a K-50 but it would take a K5 or K3 in addition plus another 4-5 smaller pockets for phone, handheld GPS, cards, filters or smaller lenses.

I haven't tried it yet but if I was to take out some of the dividers on the RHS (in pics) it might even take the Sigma 150-500 all down that side. The longest lens i've used is the SMC 80-200 can see in the pics...lid closes fine but it wouldn't take anything longer in a vertical position without compromising the space in the zipped pocket in the lid.

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Hope this helps.

Posted 31/01/2019 - 23:06 Link
Thats great

Pentax K3 gripped,and some lenses

my pbase gallery
Posted 31/01/2019 - 23:23 Link
Bags are notorious for being bad for cameras and lenses. The key is good air circulation and being kept away from enclosed wooden cabinets. When enclosed, the chemicals in glue and wood finishes can affect the lenses. When enclosed fungus has a nice warm, static environment to thrive in. Add damp and you'll certainly have a fungus problem.

So we don't store our lenses in anything - the are on open shelves in a dry environment. Bags are for carrying kit around rather than storage.
Best regards, John
Posted 01/02/2019 - 01:34 Link
I suffer from serious LBA so I bought a couple of 8ft lengths of 8inch wide melamine faced chipboard for about £9 and used it to make a sturdy, open shelving unit with shelves at 6inch centers. It sits on my desk (and is fixed to the wall). It holds over 60 lenses with no dust problem and the air is free to waft around them. About half of them get regular use. I keep the really long ones in a canvas gadget bag underneath the desk with lots of silica gel in the bag.

You have to beware of those little sachets when you have your gear X rayed at the airport. I left them in on one trip and the camera bag was grabbed because they looked like hidden drugs to the security operator!
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

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Edited by davidwozhere: 01/02/2019 - 01:36
Posted 01/02/2019 - 08:31 Link
I'm with John R. I bought a very cheap glass unit from a well know Swedish flat pack furniture company, I'm sure it cost less than the box under discussion. I wouldn't store my lenses and camera gear in an enclosed box or bag
Posted 01/02/2019 - 09:00 Link
Bags are notorious for being bad for cameras and lenses.

agreed, but this case is waterproof and sealed and was specifically designed to hold optical type equipment.

Pentax K3 gripped,and some lenses

my pbase gallery
Posted 01/02/2019 - 09:17 Link
Just make sure that you only seal the case for a period of time that it's done in dry room at around 20 degC and not a damp one. Silica gel will help.

Don't put anything in that's damp.

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Posted 01/02/2019 - 09:30 Link
I make use of an old Hi-Fi cabinet - room on top for odds & sods like battery chargers, filter cases, etc., and two shelves below for lenses. It's open front and back, so plenty of air circulation. The bottom still has about 50 my 'favourite' albums (remember them!) stored there.

K-5iiS; K-r; ME Super; ME; DA* 16-50 f2.8; DA 18-135 WR; DA 55-300 WR; HD DA 15mm F4 ED AL Limited; FA 50mm f1.4; A50mm f1.7; DAL 18-55mm; M40mm f2.8; + assorted non-Pentax lenses

My Flikr Page link
Posted 01/02/2019 - 09:54 Link
Closed shelving for me but with passive air circulation. Avoid using cases, specifically the older leather ones. They look amazing but they're awful for causing fungus issues.
All the gear with no idea
Posted 01/02/2019 - 10:33 Link
Air circulation is OK if it's dry air...... often it isn't. Slightly safer/better in a heated room.

It's better to have some tell tale signs in the box and room. Something like 25-35mm oval nails cleaned so that they don't have any oil/wax on them. Possibly expose some virgin metal by rubbing them with sandpaper or even a file. Leave them loose in the case and knock one or two into the wall or side of the bookcase. Check every now and then for any signs of rust which spells danger.

Half Man... Half Pentax ... Half Cucumber

Pentax K-1 + K-5 and some other stuff

Edited by Algernon: 01/02/2019 - 10:34
Posted 01/02/2019 - 11:08 Link
By being able to get all my lenses in this one case it has made it possible to move the case into my computer room which is the warmest/dryest room in the house. Over the winter i've got the case stored under my desk out of the way...takes up the same amount of space as a computer box of tricks. It's not really in the way here so I might make this a permanent arrangement.

I do use my equipment regularly so the case gets opened every few days which hopefully helps and like Algi suggests i wouldn't put anything damp in there before closing the lid.

Am hoping in the future when i do self catering breaks in the UK by car, i'll be able to take many more lenses with me to choose from rather than having to take just two or three with me in my smaller Lowepro shoulder bag.

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