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G & T anyone

Posted 28/06/2020 - 09:43 Link
Snap of the better half's tipple last night

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Posted 28/06/2020 - 10:00 Link
Mouth watering
Posted 28/06/2020 - 10:14 Link
That reminds me, I'm running low on tonic...

Some people call me 'strange'.
I prefer 'unconventional'.
But I'm willing to compromise and accept 'eccentric'.
Posted 28/06/2020 - 15:26 Link
Looks flat. The tonic that is, not the image. The image looks great, but just gotta have bubbles
Peter E Smith - flickr Photostream
Posted 29/06/2020 - 00:48 Link
Flat or not they are beautifully rich colours.
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 29/06/2020 - 03:46 Link
Stylistic feedback: The point of focus is typically the subject matter, but in your case the glass itself is out of focus, but the stem is in focus.
My eyes are darting to the TV remote and the end of the pen and the stem, but not the drink. Side consequence of razor thin/wide aperture lens, but for me I'd prefer to see the drink in focus?

Still thirsty looking at this, don't get me wrong, just felt I should provide some feedback on this one.

Out of focus areas and transition/colours is all very smooth and nice, just thinking the above could make the image pop a bit more.
Posted 29/06/2020 - 05:21 Link
Posted 29/06/2020 - 08:51 Link
Thanks for the comments Guys

Richard, completely agree with your observations regarding the point of focus, I did try to find a better focus point, but couldn't get clarity on the lemon slice due to the misty outside of the glass so went for the stem and outline of the glass - it's not a great photo but I like the overall look as a "snap"

I suspect this masterpiece (not) didn't inspire many of you to create such an image - more likely it inspired you to make a Gin & Tonic
Posted 29/06/2020 - 09:05 Link
Can I request the next feature is Bourbon and Branch
Posted 29/06/2020 - 09:10 Link
bforbes wrote:
Can I request the next feature is Bourbon and Branch

Sorry I can't fit a Fir tree in any of my glasses , but after a few months of experimentation I've finally nailed the "Old Fashioned"

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