Flucard not updating on iOS
What camera are you using? Are you sure that the new images are stored on the Flu card?
Hi, it’s a K3-2, flucard is in slot 2 where it’s always been and worked before.
I can access the wireless and the interface via web browser. Live view works fine, but going into the preview play mode the newest photos are not visible, even though they are when you access it on the camera.
Slot 1 saves raw and slot 2 saves as JPEG.
Thank you.
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2 posts
7 years
Just wondered if other people have had issues with camera and phone downloads since the iOS 14 update.
Ivan enable the flu card, connect phone to camera, but I cannot access any new photos taken in the recent weeks. I can access photos going back from August, but nothing else.
I am currently away from home and used the card to load selected photos to phone. But now I have nothing.
Live view works but just can’t access any latest images from card?
Any tips most appreciated