First image in a while
That picture doesn't just look nice, it looks really nice. You definitely haven't lost your photographic touch .
No need to feel guilty about not getting out and taking photos. I'm in much the same position, albeit for a different reason. It's just one of those things that life throws at you. And you're helping others to develop their photographic skills and insights, which in the grand scheme of things is ultimately worth any number of photos of beaches etc.
Best of luck and say hello to your son,family and Dad from me from Limerick
Whatever is going on in our lives we must remember to take a little time out for ourselves - photography, along with gardening and walking, have long been my way of dealing with the everyday stresses and strains of life, and I have lost the oomph for photography several times but with some effort and positive thinking it always comes back.
Keep it up Gareth
I need to try and get out more with the camera but I'm thinking life is trying its hardest to get in the way! I'll try and be more active here also!
My outfit: K1ii - Pentax D FA 24-70mm f2.8 - Pentax DA* 300mm f4 - Pentax modified DA* 60-250mm f4 - Irix 15mm Firefly - Pentax FA 35mm - FA 50mm f1.4 - Tamron SP 90mm macro - Pentax AF 540 FGZ II
Welsh Photographer
Foundation NFT
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3411 posts
9 years
So this week I found myself with a spare hour. My son was attending a social club for children with ALN, my other children had gone to town and my wife was out with her girlfriends. I headed down to a local beach with my camera. To be honest, I think the words should be is I 'dragged myself down'. I decided that I'd go down, bring the camera and have the mindset of if I take an image great but if I don't but I'm out and have a camera backpack on then that's a win, so there was zero expectation to make an image. Anyway, I found this little scene in front of me and thought it looked nice so I grabbed an image:
2024-10-30_05-54-07 by Gareth Williams, on Flickr
My outfit: K1ii - Pentax D FA 24-70mm f2.8 - Pentax DA* 300mm f4 - Pentax modified DA* 60-250mm f4 - Irix 15mm Firefly - Pentax FA 35mm - FA 50mm f1.4 - Tamron SP 90mm macro - Pentax AF 540 FGZ II
Welsh Photographer
Foundation NFT