Derbyshire / Peak District Group
Posted 07/11/2006 - 19:28
Hi, just wondering where you are. Would be interested in starting a local group.
Posted 07/11/2006 - 22:54
Stephen hasn't posted for two years, so don't expect an immediate answer.
Keywords: Charming, polite, and generally agreeable.
Posted 29/11/2006 - 12:09
Stephen wrote:
This topic was started originally in the 'General Chat' area. <br /> I am looking to see if there ...
This topic was started originally in the 'General Chat' area. <br /> I am looking to see if there ...
As it is not present?
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90 posts
23 years
I am looking to see if there are enough interested members in the Derbyshire / Peak District etc area to form a local area group.
We did get 4 positive replies when this was first aired, unfortunately 4 members is not really the critical mass required to kick this off.
Soooooooo if there are any more of you out there who would be interested, don't be shy add a posting to this topic and lets see if we can start something.....