best colour film
May I make a recomendation, I have been shooting exclusively film for about 3 months and I have used many colour films and I have observed that the best colour film to use for all situations is for me, agfaphoto vista 100,200 and 400. They have very good versatility and are very well saturated but in a really nice soft way, and have very low grain at all asa's (100, 200 and 400)
and for a pound at poundland you can buy a roll of 200 vista 36 exposure
It is an illusion that photos are made with the camera… they are made with the eye, heart and head. Henri Cartier-Bresson
Lots of film bodies, a couple of digital ones, too many lenses (mainly older glass) and a Horseman LE 5x4.
Currently in my Spot F I have a roll of Ektar 100, My MF camera (rolleiflex - sorry) is Ektarchrome, and my MZ-5n is some Ilford FP4 B+W
I have not used Agfa ever, but I might just try it.
Having said that, I LOVE Fuji Reala 100, especially in the studio. Natural colours and fine grain. Even in the street it was nice too.
I might just get a roll of Agfa Vista 400 in the SV when I get it tomorrow.
Colour film is one thing I try to avoid, it costs money to get developed.
I'll stick to Fomapan B&W, although I am tempted to try the £1 AGFA film from £land, they also get Kodak in from time to time.
I suppose it depends on which warehouse is dumping stock.
K110+DA40, K200+DA35, K3 and a bag of lenses, bodies and other bits.
Mustn't forget the Zenits, or folders, or...
PPG entries.
Ektar is really good though you have to nail the exposure to get best results. Haven't used slide film so can't really comment. I'd like too, but my skills aren't really good enough probably............
Even though I'm a skint postgrad, I don't mind the little expense film needs as it keeps me out of the pub! If we don't use it, they will stop making it and where would all that great kit from yesteryear do then?
One of my all-time favourite colour films was Fuji Superia 200, not used colour print film for a while now so do not know what it is like today
Assorted Pentax/Nikon/Mamiya stuff
When Agfa went under I tried various Fujis and didn't like any of them.
My favorite inexpensive films are Kodak Gold 100 and Kodak Ultramax 400.
The Kodak Portra line films are excellent but much more expensive.
Kodak Ektar 100 is very nice but a little fussy with regard to exposure.
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