Now if the phone could produce a raw file to recover the detail in the murk it might help (marginally.)
So I decided to upload some photographs to 500px. I have had a few 'like' for my images. The highest 'pulse' I have scored is around 91. There is no doubt the quality of vast majority of images are of great quality but I am puzzled at some of the shots getting hundreds of 'likes'. Take , for instance, the image below. Can someone explain to me what photographic quality this has?
It works like any such site I guess. Spend hours liking other's work and you will most likely be reciprocated.
As regards why there is 213 likes - Cliques resiprocate "ego massage" and mutual protection; it just seems to happens in any group to varying degrees; " I will like you if you will like me" as long as you don't criticise my work I won't criticise you etc etc
Luckily in PU there is a god body of competent and interested enthusists who give and take objective criticism and praise in a proper balanced way.
However my experiences as a long time member of several other forums associated with major photographic equipment manufactures has been "quite a yawn" to say the least.
Not like PU, at all; Some camera clubs suffer from the same BS too so we are lucky I think.
I suspect the comments about that photo might relate to the place and the somewhat poetic sentiments, which obviously mean something esoteric: but not with the photo, which is totally abysmal clearly not taken by a competent student of the craft .
as for the photo maybe it was taken as a reminder or nostalgic memo not as a
There have been 10,000 views with 250 likes. This is a strike ratio of 2.5% (not so good!)
The 'Pulse' works off speed and likes (lots quickly shoots you up the board).
I, however, look at my strike rate - percentage of likes out of views
Makes me feel better anyway!
Plus I have no friends
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15 years
West Yorkshire