Weekly #877 - Opposites Competition
Title | Weekly #877 - Opposites |
Judge | Lubbyman | Closing Date | 21/07/2024 |
Description | If you saw the finals of the sporting events held yesterday in Wimbledon and Berlin, you, like me, might have been struck by the contrast between the emotions of the winners and the losers. So this week’s theme is Opposites. Happy and sad, big and small, looking in opposite directions, heavy and light, red and green, young and old, loud and quiet, black and white, etc. etc. Any photo in which ‘opposites’ is a major part of what the picture is about. The usual rules of the weekly competition apply - photos must have been taken with Pentax equipment or clones and can be either archive material or taken this week. Good luck and let’s see some interesting opposites. |
Winning Photograph
Competition Entries
Photographs uploaded to the Weekly #877 - Opposites competition.
Posted 22/07/2024 - 14:28
I adore John's shot. Every time I look at it it makes me smile.
Posted 22/07/2024 - 15:01
Great winning photo, love the square format!
Posted 22/07/2024 - 15:47
Many thanks for the win! I'll get onto choosing a new subject.
Best regards, John
Posted 22/07/2024 - 20:22
Well, enough domestic matters have now been dealt with so here are my promised comments.
I invited a range of interpretations and that’s what I got. You’re a very creative lot, well done to all! With such a range of interpretations it was hard to pick a winner but ‘Little and Large’ by johnriley gets it by a whisker. The reason is nothing to do with technical quality, it’s quite simply that it made me smile. And from personal experience of taking family photos of tall and short members together, I’m sure it has brought smiles to other people’s faces too (just noticed Simonmac’s post, so I’m on firm ground here!).
Anyway, here are some quick thoughts and comments about each submission. No runners up etc. this week, I gave up trying thanks to the wide range of interpretations.
‘Not Speaking’ by MHOL190246 – Really nice portrait of two birds not on speaking terms. You’ve captured the plumage really well, not the easiest of birds for that in my experience. Pity the feet and ends of the tails are missing though.
‘It’s up and it’s down’ by Nigelk – Simultaneously stunning and weird. At first glance I thought ‘reflection’ then suddenly realised that it wasn’t. Well seen and well executed.
‘Little and Large’ by johnriley – I couldn’t help smiling at this one. And then wondering why it works so well for me. Eventually it dawned on me that it’s the long pole that does it, emphasising the difference in the sizes of the people. Clever.
‘The smaller it gets, the more it holds!’ by davidwozhere – Pure nostalgia. Oh for the days when you could put several documents on a single 1.44MB floppy!
‘The Short and the Tall’ by Simonmac – Composition and exposure spot on. Bleak minimalism. A single tree is struggling to bring life to a sterile environment but the short and the tall are ignoring it. Is there any hope for them? Or us?
‘Life versus None’ by MikeInDevon – A fascinating observation of life appearing in the most unpromising of places. To me, those growths that look like mini palm trees are crying out for a low-level, almost horizontal shot.
‘Outside inside’ by Flan – This turns on its head the garden design trend for making your garden an extension of your house! Just one niggle, I think the image would be stronger if it included the entire window, up to its top right corner.
‘Old life and new life’ by Noelcmn – And I thought that I was the only person who could have a cactus in that state… Their reluctance to keel over and die is truly impressive. Would the photo benefit by cropping off the lower 25% so as to make the living bits more prominent?
I invited a range of interpretations and that’s what I got. You’re a very creative lot, well done to all! With such a range of interpretations it was hard to pick a winner but ‘Little and Large’ by johnriley gets it by a whisker. The reason is nothing to do with technical quality, it’s quite simply that it made me smile. And from personal experience of taking family photos of tall and short members together, I’m sure it has brought smiles to other people’s faces too (just noticed Simonmac’s post, so I’m on firm ground here!).
Anyway, here are some quick thoughts and comments about each submission. No runners up etc. this week, I gave up trying thanks to the wide range of interpretations.
‘Not Speaking’ by MHOL190246 – Really nice portrait of two birds not on speaking terms. You’ve captured the plumage really well, not the easiest of birds for that in my experience. Pity the feet and ends of the tails are missing though.
‘It’s up and it’s down’ by Nigelk – Simultaneously stunning and weird. At first glance I thought ‘reflection’ then suddenly realised that it wasn’t. Well seen and well executed.
‘Little and Large’ by johnriley – I couldn’t help smiling at this one. And then wondering why it works so well for me. Eventually it dawned on me that it’s the long pole that does it, emphasising the difference in the sizes of the people. Clever.
‘The smaller it gets, the more it holds!’ by davidwozhere – Pure nostalgia. Oh for the days when you could put several documents on a single 1.44MB floppy!
‘The Short and the Tall’ by Simonmac – Composition and exposure spot on. Bleak minimalism. A single tree is struggling to bring life to a sterile environment but the short and the tall are ignoring it. Is there any hope for them? Or us?
‘Life versus None’ by MikeInDevon – A fascinating observation of life appearing in the most unpromising of places. To me, those growths that look like mini palm trees are crying out for a low-level, almost horizontal shot.
‘Outside inside’ by Flan – This turns on its head the garden design trend for making your garden an extension of your house! Just one niggle, I think the image would be stronger if it included the entire window, up to its top right corner.
‘Old life and new life’ by Noelcmn – And I thought that I was the only person who could have a cactus in that state… Their reluctance to keel over and die is truly impressive. Would the photo benefit by cropping off the lower 25% so as to make the living bits more prominent?
Posted 23/07/2024 - 09:57
Thanks Steve for your comments, it's always interesting to get feedback.
I take your idea of a low angle version of the image I entered, I'll have to give it a go.
Best regards
I take your idea of a low angle version of the image I entered, I'll have to give it a go.
Best regards
Posted 24/07/2024 - 14:31
Congrats to John and thanks to Steve for setting the comp and for the comments
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