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Monthly Competition #2 August 2012 - Humour Competition

Title Monthly Competition #2 August 2012 - Humour
Judge Frogherder
Closing Date 29/08/2012
I'm thinking of Humour as depicted in other mediums, such as stone, wood etc rather than the 'Hollywood cartoon' type.

So gargoyles; misericords; etc would fit the bill nicely. I appreciate these two are very European but I'm sure that other cultures have the equivalen, eg totem poles.

The smaller works that appear to be the work of the carver during a mischievious period.

I'm not excluding modern facial expressions providing they are the projection of humour.

Don't forget that entries must be shot during August 2012.


Winning Photograph

Competition Entries

Photographs uploaded to the Monthly Competition #2 August 2012 - Humour competition.

Posted 30/08/2012 - 11:49 Link
First off let me thank all those who entered with a wide variety of interpretations. I would have liked to mark all on technical and artistic merit etc, but sadly I don't have the time. So I'm afraid you're going to have to accept what appeals to my sense of humour.

Goerdie1 - Mask.
A rather melancholy humour, but the carver probably intended as such.

joanjbberry - Chipmunk Smiling
A cute animal which may well be a happy soul,

kosh - sickle and hammer
A happy looking fellow with smiling implements?.

tyronet2000 - On my fridge door
I love the medieval take on life. A mischievious imp if ever there was.

bforbes - You have to be kidding!
A lovely clear and crisp shot of your namesake in St Giles. Your title infers a degree of banter. If I remember correctly I don't think they always saw eye to eye

Jim-w - Two old fellas
Just about what I was looking for. I would've liked to have seen them a bit more 'face on' Note to self - put Marlmesbury on the to visit list

bettyswolloks - He nose Ya no?
An intriguing modern take, obviously intended to inject humour into an otherwise 'clincal' industry.

Johnwnjr - Watch It!
Despite the given difficulties of shooting through a mesh a well taken picture that shows the nature of that particular bird.

paulb531 - Happy Mushroom
Wonderfully quirky, spoilt a bit by the price tag and drain corner? . Could the duck have been cropped out?

Pentaxophile - Remojadas Laughing Face
I knew other cultures have a sense of humour and this is evident in this South American carving

johnriley - Up Against a Brick Wall
A faultless image of grotesque head. If that's your wall I'm envious

dannyh - Climbing Monkeys
Is this the "Ascent of Man" in the Natural History Museum (London)? I like this one for many reasons and it's certainly idiosyncratic.

mcpieman- Samlesbury Hall Carving
A primative green man wonderfully captured. Also put Samlesbury on the to visit list.

Noelcmn - Oooops It's not a fish
I've been trying to photograph a local Heron for decades now so I'm suitable awed.

JAK - Are you getting a stiff neck stuck here too?
They do look stern, don't they. The story I was told some years back was that the benefactors of the church were imortalised in stone. Those that didn't pay up were equally imortalised but generally with a much less flattering/grotesque image.

annieogg - Hickory Dickory
One of my 'heros' was Robert Thompson commonly known as the mouse man. I could never afford his furniture but can aspire to emulate him

Tars - I want a home
I thought squirrels were the only mammal that invaded bird houses.

1st Tyronet 2000 For no other reason than it has no other use than quirky humour and made my 3 year old grand daughter smile
2nd Pentaxophile For reminding me that Birmingham is not too far away
3rd Jim-w
Runners up
Posted 30/08/2012 - 12:34 Link
Well done to Stan and the runners up. Thanks for an interesting subject Bernard, it had me thinking I can tell you.
Posted 30/08/2012 - 13:14 Link
I'm absolutely amazed I won but thanks and well done everyone else. Better get my thinking cap on quick

Posted 30/08/2012 - 13:23 Link
Stan, if you set up your competition don't forget to change the end date to the end of september - it defaults to weekly. Any problem, please let me know.
Best regards, John
Posted 30/08/2012 - 13:24 Link
Bernard, you need to click the button under your winner to generate the necessary chain of events.
Best regards, John
Posted 30/08/2012 - 14:04 Link
johnriley wrote:
Stan, if you set up your competition don't forget to change the end date to the end of september - it defaults to weekly. Any problem, please let me know.

I was going to set it on the morning of the 1st Sept, it will give me a bit of extra time to think of something. Is that ok

Posted 30/08/2012 - 20:26 Link
Thank you Bernard for my 3rd place and well done to everyone else.
Posted 31/08/2012 - 00:28 Link
The morning of 1st september is fine Stan.
Best regards, John
Posted 01/09/2012 - 15:42 Link
Thanks for judging Bernhard, and congratulations to Stan. A VERY difficult and narrow topic - I'm surprised as many people entered as did.

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