Monthly #144 - Long Things Competition
Title | Monthly #144 - Long Things |
Judge | RayW | Closing Date | 30/06/2024 |
Description | As we have the solstice in June, the longest day in the UK, and longest night in the southen hemisphere, how about images of long things. That should give a wide open opportunity of interpretation. Usual rules regarding cameras to be used, and make sure your entry is shot in the month of June 2024. Go get snapping! |
Winning Photograph
Competition Entries
Photographs uploaded to the Monthly #144 - Long Things competition.
Posted 01/07/2024 - 16:06
Thanks for the win Ray, along with the well judged critiques. Well done also to the podiums and everyone who took the time to enter the monthly.
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6 posts
9 years
The Long and Green Thing – johnriley, first out of the blocks, meets the specification, a long thing. Lots of good colour in this, I expect it is a procession, and I wonder if there were more chances to get a shot where more of the crew’s faces could be seen. The subject is well placed in the frame too.
Ultra Boom by Flan. I rather like this, a great long cherry picker, the orange colour in the bottom left is the eye’s starting point but the other end is a bit lost being so small. Maybe step back and zoom in to balance the sizes of top and bottom. A great spot though, looking for long things.
Long Legs – sueriley. An unusual entry, indeed the subject is of two long things, using what seems to be a vintage digital cam. Took a while to “see” this image for a while, but the composition is POV, I don’t think the frame helps though, but I like the choice of black and white to make us concentrate on the subject.
Viper’s Bugloss – Lubbyman. Here we have a long flower head, nice and sharp on the subject flower, a step to the right to separate it from the one behind would improve it for me. Good use of shallow depth of field.
LIGO long – jrutle. Here we have a very long thing, the choice of a pipeline shows the creativity possible in this topic. A little more elevation to make the pipeline lead in from the bottom corner would improve it for me, but the composition nicely gives the impression of scale and distance.
Long Grass – Nigelk. Lots of lovely long stems of grass, taken from a low angle so they converge to the centre. Nicely exposed for the sky, but it has left the stems a little dark and silhouetted. I didn’t see it at first but I like the single daisy in the very centre.
A Dragonfly – MHOL190246. A very nicely exposed portrait, the filigree of the wings sharply in focus. I wonder how this would look the other way up, with the fly facing up, even if that’s not how it really was? Well done for catching it, they don’t sit still for long.
Power Lines in Batangas Phillipines – rbuckell. The subject is the power lines, but so many long things, wires, poles, road. A well balanced exposure but I think it needs the contrast increased a little. A very busy image, which well conveys the nature of the location. The date taken is missing from EXIF, but I will give the benefit.
The Long Jeep – Noelcmn. Yet another long thing, a stretch limo. Great exposure, perhaps a little shadow detail lost in the harsh light, looking at the front tyres. Cropped very tight to the right hand side. Good depth of field and well detailed back to front.
All pictures appear to be taken in the month of June 2024.
So the winner… I’m choosing:
1. Ultra Boom by Flan
2. Long Grass by Nigelk
3. Power Lines in Batangas Phillipines – rbuckell
Thanks for the super images, over to you Flan