Leeks Under the Kitchen Sink

by johnriley

I was searching round the kitchen looking for inspiration for this competition, and opened the cupboard door under the sink. Imagine the horror at discovering three Huge Leeks under the sink, bursting outwards with Radiant Power. Naturally I asked Sue to keep an eye on them and went for the camera and while she made sure the Leeks did not spread further I made a selection of images using different settings and styles. Sue has now gone back to her PC, I'm typing this up and we've both forgotten that the Leeks are still active under the sink. I'll go and sort that out now, I understand that creating Potato and Leek soup solves the problem.
Liked by  Francisbd drofmit
Uploaded17/04/2023 - 10:45
CategoryHumour / Fun
Shutter Speed25 sec
Focal Length31mm

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