Ducks in the garden.

by vic cross

As I have mentioned before. I don't get out much with the camera these days so as I have said before I wait for the wild life to come to me. Today a duck and her 8 ducklings came wandering through the garden. They had walked a 1/4 mile up the street then along our street and into our garden. I took a few photos and let them wander about for a while then ushered them out through the back gate to find their way through the woods and hopefully back to the Ise Brook through the woods and across the field. Good deed for the day done.
Liked by  pauljay KurtHauer
Uploaded19/04/2019 - 15:15
CategoryWildlife / Nature
Shutter Speed1/250
Focal Length83mm

Posted 24/04/2019 - 15:58 Link
Hope you're not waiting for a herd of elephants next Vic!! Cute shot!

Photography is not a sport. It has no rules. Everything must be dared and tried! (Bill Brandt)
vic cross
Posted 25/04/2019 - 11:12 Link
Cheers Paul. No elephants but a neighbour has seen a fox and a few roe deer in the woods behind the house. Loads of squirrels though. I've heard the woodpecker but not seen it yet. As the saying goes. All good things come to him who waits. So I'll wait.
Born again biker with lots of Pentax bits. Every day I wake up is a good day. I'm so old I don't even buy green bananas.

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