Sleeping Dragons
by morpheus71
Beautiful light captured beautifully. Austere. Would be marvellous in larger sizes, I think.
Many thanks for your very generous and enthusiastic comments 😊 Yes, it's austere, dour maybe, yet the juxtaposition of the optimistic chink of diffused light was, to me, such an uplifting counterpoint. Worth getting rained on whilst anticipating the potential opportunity of transient light 😏
Wonderful BW. POTW & LIKEd
Many thanks for your generous comments Giulio 😊 It was a delightful moment to observe 😏
Less is indeed often more !
Many thanks Grodgeman 😊 I am rather fond of that concept.
The horizontal thirds work so well on this one Phil!
Many thanks for your kind and considered words Paul 😊 Each of those bands seemed to have 'something to say', I thought 😏
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