Looking out on the World
by davidstorm
A ramshackle stone shelter, near the top of Kirkstone Pass in the Lake District. This building has featured in my photos previously (a few years ago). I re-visited it last weekend as I like its location so much.
Pentax K-5iis, Pentax-M 28mm F3.5, Redsnapper Tripod
Pentax K-5iis, Pentax-M 28mm F3.5, Redsnapper Tripod
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Uploaded26/01/2017 - 22:35
CategoryLandscape / Travel
Posted 27/01/2017 - 00:32
I tend to look at this sort of things in two ways:
to admire the lovely photograph and the effort that goes into making it but also
to wonder at the effort that went into levelling the land, carrying the stones and the skill that created the result - no mortar. And then feel slightly sad that circomstances conspired to make people simply abandon all that work.
A photographer has achieved something extra if the image provokes the viewer to think about the scene and its import.
to admire the lovely photograph and the effort that goes into making it but also
to wonder at the effort that went into levelling the land, carrying the stones and the skill that created the result - no mortar. And then feel slightly sad that circomstances conspired to make people simply abandon all that work.
A photographer has achieved something extra if the image provokes the viewer to think about the scene and its import.
Posted 27/01/2017 - 06:50
I have a very similar shot in my gallery. It is a great location whatever the weather. I did some split toning to mine and it works to bring out the bracken.
I like this perspective. I took mine a few years ago from slightly to the left and slightly higher up. But it is a location that can cope with many perspectives. But always in the winter!
I like this perspective. I took mine a few years ago from slightly to the left and slightly higher up. But it is a location that can cope with many perspectives. But always in the winter!
If you don't ask you'll never know
Posted 27/01/2017 - 21:14
I really admire the graceful flow of this fellside vista and the way the building acts as an anchor-point. It is a picture provoking questions of the buildings heritage, it's builders and the myriad people who have passed it by over many years
The majestic arch of the mid-distance fell is not bisected by the crumbling walls and this makes the human endeavour (of the building) seem humbled in scale, by the might of the plutonic hills and vales around.
The majestic arch of the mid-distance fell is not bisected by the crumbling walls and this makes the human endeavour (of the building) seem humbled in scale, by the might of the plutonic hills and vales around.
Posted 29/01/2017 - 10:40
Stop it. Its upsetting me. I have yet to take a half decent or even remotely competent landscape photograph in the Lake District. Must try harder.
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