Castle Stalker
by McBrian
This is 5 shot pano, shot with the K1-ii and 55-300 PLM (camera was set to FX), 170mm @ f9, vignetting is minimal on the original DNG files.
Full size (76MB) file [link= Stalker FX Pano.jpg]here[/link]
Thanks for all the complementary comments on the other uploads, and yes we were blessed with decent light for most of the trip, however the shot at Loch Lubnaig happened when we stopped for a coffee and p** stop during heavy grey skys and drizzle, stepped out of the car and the clouds parted
This is a pano on a grand scale and expertly taken. What is “FX” may I ask. Like.
FX = Full Frame, the setting is actually FF on the K1, the 55-300 PLM is a APS-C lens that works great on a K1 set at FF
LBA is good for you, a Lens a day helps you work, rest and play.
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