Shield Bug
by Photon
Have you tried 'catch in focus' with this sort of problem shot? I find it works but when it suddenly goes off it often makes me jump with surprise! You could also try using an 'empty lens' as a full function extension tube (see my peppercon shot earlier)
Lovely result, given your use of two adapters. I sssume that at the time of taking a given shot, you didn’t know if it was in focus or not???
Yes, it was a case of looking at the image shots after the event.
Well, it worked ! The detail of the thing's eyes is very good. You don't often get that with shield bugs.
Have you tried 'catch in focus' with this sort of problem shot? I find it works but when it suddenly goes off it often makes me jump with surprise! You could also try using an 'empty lens' as a full function extension tube (see my peppercon shot earlier)
Thank you for the information, I had no knowledge of 'Catch-In-Focus' till reading your comment! and further searching, I will have to give it a try. Last year I took the lens elements out of an old Pentax Auto 50mm 'A' setting manual lens, not for the extension tube effect but I was experimenting with placing it and it's Auto diaphragm behind third party lenses (TPL) so that I could manually focus at wide open apertures then close my Auto Diaphragm Coupling (ADC) [behind the TPL] automatically from the camera shutter button to take the shot at small apertures and fire the flash at the required instant. After transposition of the Focal length formulae, I conclude that the resultant fstop = [FL (of TPL) x fstop of ADC]/FL of ADC.
My previous fly shot was taken with 200mm Macro lens with 1.7 Adapter and 65mm auto extension tube.
The problem I have with reversing lenses is that the working distance is too short for live subjects.
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