The Veiled Lady
by bwlchmawr
Clevedon Court
Thank you for showing this one Andrew.
All the gear & no idea.
SP, SPII, SPF, PZ-10, P30, SFX, K110D, istDS, Optio 60, Z-10, H90, RZ10, I-10, f3.5 28mm, f1.8 55mm, f1.4 50mm, f3.5 135mm, f2.5 135mm, f4 50mm Macro, f4.5 80-200 F, f4 35-70, f3.5 28-80, f3.5 35-135, f3.5 18-55, f1.8 31mm Ltd., two Auto 110's, Auto 110 lenses and filters, tubes, bellows, Manfrottos and a sore back.
I have often stopped to admire great statuary, but seldom have I had the pleasure to see work of this calibre; truly amazing how realistic is the voile shawl over the head of the bust.
Thank you for showing this one Andrew.
Ironically it's had a charmed life. I believe it was thrown out by one owner because it frightened small children then spent some time in a garden before being rescued.
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