Hawthorn Crataegus

by trixie

A walk in the park yesterday between the showers
Uploaded28/03/2014 - 14:15
CategoryFlowers & plants
Shutter Speed1/3200
Focal Length50mm

Posted 28/03/2014 - 17:37 Link
Lovely photograph. I really admire your DoF capabilities on such narrow subjects. It's amazing you know which petal/petals to focus upon to give balance. Are they like pebbles on a beach? What I mean is... If three people walked along and were choosing they're favourite pebble....they would all be different choices. Do you have a petal choice, do you aim for balance or is it random?
"The Latent Image that exists before development is a truly mystical and exciting entity and some subsequent individual photographs can make the spine tingle."

Good Fortune:

Gray Summers. Website www.graysummers.com
Posted 28/03/2014 - 20:33 Link
Posted 28/03/2014 - 21:08 Link
graysummers wrote:
Lovely photograph. I really admire your DoF capabilities on such narrow subjects. It's amazing you know which petal/petals to focus upon to give balance. Are they like pebbles on a beach? What I mean is... If three people walked along and were choosing they're favourite pebble....they would all be different choices. Do you have a petal choice, do you aim for balance or is it random?

Oh thank you so much Gray, over the years I have learnt about DOF and I really weigh the subject up now, I love flowers and I have a really lovely lens to use for this kind of photography that throws the background out. Thank you so much Gray.
Good fortune Patricia

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