'Watching me, watching you !'

by PeterKR

Taken at the top of the Hardknott Pass in the Lake District.

I was there for the view (and the drive !) but these guys live up there so I thought I'd better put him on record. I think he's a Herdwick but I'm open to correction ?

I deliberately did not crop as I wanted to include the background view.
Uploaded20/05/2014 - 10:52
CategoryLandscape / Travel
Shutter Speed1/400
Focal Length250mm

Posted 20/05/2014 - 12:49 Link
I like it. Sharp in the right place and getting this chap on the top of the rise created a great OOF backdrop.

I may have moved the subject a little to the left to satisfy the rule of thirds but each to their own. Great pic

Sometimes I'm serious and sometimes not, but I consider sarcasm an artform. Which is it today?
Posted 20/05/2014 - 13:23 Link
Posted 20/05/2014 - 18:05 Link
X 2 thanks
Gravelrash wrote:
I like it. Sharp in the right place and getting this chap on the top of the rise created a great OOF backdrop.

I may have moved the subject a little to the left to satisfy the rule of thirds but each to their own. Great pic

"It's not what you look at that's important, it's what you see" - Thoreau

Posted 20/05/2014 - 22:39 Link
Many thanks to you all for the kind comments.

I was lucky with this sheep as he stayed put for a while. I saw another standing on a brow silhouetted against the blue sky but before I could shoot it he turned his back on me and ran away ! That's wild animals for you ! All part of the fun of photography !

Thanks again

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