Bubble bokeh impressionism on ther bank of the brook

by davidwozhere

Wide open Meyer Optik Primotar deliberately out of focus to produce a bubble bokeh impressionist scene. There would normally be some sharply defined subject in the foreground, leaving the bokeh as a secondary element. In this case, there isn't one!
Liked by  pauljay
Uploaded13/04/2023 - 23:00
CategorySpecialist / Abstract
Shutter Speed1/2500
Focal Length135mm

Posted 13/04/2023 - 23:19 Link
You must create a catalog Davidwoz, of background layers from these gems of lenses that you have acquired from the past.
You'll have an insta following from wide eyed youngsters "looking for something thats already found them"
This time next year, well be millionaires Rodney.
Posted 14/04/2023 - 14:54 Link
I like this, with the bubble bokeh becoming the subject rather than a background distraction and nicely set off by the out of focus green foreground.

K1000, Espio 140, ist, istD, K70, K3iii and numerous lenses, just don't tell my wife.
Posted 14/04/2023 - 23:21 Link
"This time next year we'll be millionaires", says Rodney ........ and then the price of bacon will go up as pigs start to fly! (nice idea tho').
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

My page on Photocrowd
Posted 19/04/2023 - 12:52 Link
Jolie image impressioniste !
J' aime beaucoup les anciens Meyer Görlitz qui offrent toujours de beaux bokeh à pleine ouverture.
Bien vu et bien pris David !
Francis - èfbé -

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