Levels in Color
An old image taken in 2014 that I left back and don't know why. Different color levels caught my attention and vertical pine tree reminded me to keep this portrait format in my mind. K20D and a superb PENTAX 55-300m at about 75 mm. Camera on tripod. Image edited in PS and just one lick in Color Lab. PS a cold and clear morning in July that helped me to get best results from this lens. See The Cross on the far right mountain. Great sharpness from fore to background using F 22. Place Italy between Umbria and Tuscany.
Uploaded09/04/2024 - 13:04
CategoryLandscape / Travel
Posted 09/04/2024 - 17:19
Spad wrote:
The colours are so vibrant! The composition shows them off brilliantly!
The colours are so vibrant! The composition shows them off brilliantly!
Thank you so much. Light was magical at that hour but I've given a go to Color Lab editing trying not to over makeup picture. Just a lick of color Lab editing. It works fine some times, IMHO.
Posted 09/04/2024 - 18:43
Superb, You've scored the 3 V's with this one - Viewpoint, Vertical and Vibrant - it just works so well
Posted 09/04/2024 - 23:57
These are colours that you simply do not get here, so bright and vibrant.
Posted 10/04/2024 - 09:13
Love it
Posted 10/04/2024 - 12:56
davidwozhere wrote:
These are colours that you simply do not get here, so bright and vibrant.
These are colours that you simply do not get here, so bright and vibrant.
Well....I'm sure that you have beautiful and bright light there. Same as here. It Is important to be lucky as I was on that Morning. But I want to spend a few more words about Color Lab editing. It a great chance to make (up?) colors more appealing. Usually I seldom use it ....and I'm afraid to overfill my picture of color when not necessary. But this time It has worked IMHO. ( I apply color Lab as final step during my work flow. It Is on the last level and I set opacity at about 5or6 %).
Posted 11/04/2024 - 19:05
I knew this was yours, just from the thumbnail, a typical GIULIO landscape. Full of vibrant colours as stated from above and an excellent composition, adding to it....Liked.
Posted 15/04/2024 - 18:50
Lovely colours, they work really well here, perfect.
Posted 20/10/2024 - 11:04
Stunning shot! The color levels and sharpness are impressive, especially with the vertical pine tree and the cross on the mountain.
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