Colors in the Storm
Pentax LX and Pentax Zoom Lens 40-80 mm at 40 mm. Skylight filter only. Kodak slide chrome 100 ISO. F 5,6. Shutter speed: 1/60. I took several captures at different speed but I prefer this one a little bit underexposed to enhace sky. Shutter release cable to avoid vibrations. I set focus at infinity so I have not worked using hyperfocal. All subjects were not too close to me.
Slidechrome scanned using EPSON Perfection 3200. File just a little bit tweaked in PS (levels, curves). I cropped lower part of foreground and top of sky so to enhace horizontal slant.
Place: somewhere in Val d’Orcia, Tuscany, Italy. Welcome C & C.
PS In the far distance it was still raining. This is the reason because skiline is a little bit blurred on the left.
Tuscan delight ..... what a delightful scene Giulio. Much more tricky achieving this with colour transparency film than digital.
THX David. You're right about old (are really old?)slidechromes....Red and green were so vivid that seemed to me to stay inside a soft-box.....due to light coming from sky that was directed onto scenery in an unvarying way. No deep lights or shadows. After I scanned slide I realized that "almost oversized feature" and I didn't fix this "trouble"...but is it a trouble?
Oops; how did I miss that! The red is unreal. I love the flipped proportions and the sky. Toscana is near the very top of my 'must see' list. Trouble with Italy is that there are too many places that are a 'must see' haha....and I like to take my time. Lovely shot.'re right about red. Too vivid IMHO and prhaps this is a trouble that arose while scanning! PP has been very soft and red has not een managed as sky "to extract" all clouds! Anyway red is too much redeven if at the moment of capture it was very strong due to "light-box" effect of sky-sun-clouds. My error, perhaps, has been to choose the slide a liittle bit underexposed....About Italy: right time is spring and beginning of summer (till June)...Insted of visiting boring places like Venice, Florence,Rome (AhAhAh!!!) give a look at the Sea and Coast of Tuscany (i.e)...Look at picture of "Castello del Boccale"close to Livorno (English is Leghorn...and there is a nice history about this name of Livorno)....Castello del Boccale is a must burt I have never time togo there!!!!
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