by sandinista
I took this in Liverpool. The building is a new development near the Albert Docks though I don't know it's name.
Uploaded27/08/2011 - 12:07
Posted 27/08/2011 - 14:11
Great photograph.
Posted 27/08/2011 - 23:14
Excellent picture in every way. Very effective composition and the colours and reflections make it special. The only slight thing I would change is to give it a tighter crop to the right to balance out the distance between the base of the pyramid so that it is equal left and right.
Posted 28/08/2011 - 12:31
Many thanks for your comments, much appreciated
This did cross my mind David, great minds thinking alike If the apex had been vertical I think I would have done so but the slight angle seemed to balance the unequal distance to my eye
davidstorm wrote:
The only slight thing I would change is to give it a tighter crop to the right to balance out the distance between the base of the pyramid so that it is equal left and right
The only slight thing I would change is to give it a tighter crop to the right to balance out the distance between the base of the pyramid so that it is equal left and right
This did cross my mind David, great minds thinking alike If the apex had been vertical I think I would have done so but the slight angle seemed to balance the unequal distance to my eye
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Posted 28/08/2011 - 16:00
I like it
Posted 28/08/2011 - 16:39
The blue tones, the reflection and the texture of the clouds are wonderful. This is a really well taken shot.
Posted 28/08/2011 - 20:37
sandinista wrote:
Many thanks for your comments, much appreciated
This did cross my mind David, great minds thinking alike If the apex had been vertical I think I would have done so but the slight angle seemed to balance the unequal distance to my eye
Many thanks for your comments, much appreciated
davidstorm wrote:
The only slight thing I would change is to give it a tighter crop to the right to balance out the distance between the base of the pyramid so that it is equal left and right
The only slight thing I would change is to give it a tighter crop to the right to balance out the distance between the base of the pyramid so that it is equal left and right
This did cross my mind David, great minds thinking alike If the apex had been vertical I think I would have done so but the slight angle seemed to balance the unequal distance to my eye
Yes, I see your point Jim (no pun intended). With or without any additional crop it is a great picture.
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