And so the story goes. To where? No-one knows.

by graysummers

One of those shots we all take. Cloud and sky dominance with land a thin strip of imaginings.

I saw these clouds and thought of them in conversation. And so the story goes:

Child Cloud: “Where are we going to?”

Adult Cloud: “No one knows child.”

Child Cloud: “But the wind shows us the way. The wind decides.”

Adult Cloud: “No the wind does not decide. But the wind is influenced.”

Child Cloud: “What influences the wind?”

Adult Cloud: “Living beings influence the wind. They move and they speak. With movement and speech many actions are put into place. Energy created transfers to the air and is picked up by the wind. The wind transfers this influence into other forms, which is you and I child….and so the story goes.”

Child Cloud: “Let us hope they have positive and gentle speech and movement. This will send us to a better place.”

Adult Cloud: “Then let us hope that they gaze at our forms and read the story of truth. There is a wise saying:

‘Do not allow me to be the master of your behaviour, emotions and feelings. If we are both masters of our own behaviour, emotions and feelings, we have a good chance at genuine mutuality and love’.

Child Cloud: “Then we must strive to enlighten so that we all can sketch out our course in this universe.”

Clouds hey?
Uploaded18/06/2014 - 00:05
CategoryLandscape / Travel
Shutter SpeedN/A
Focal LengthN/A

Posted 18/06/2014 - 06:17 Link
Right words...In every case a beautiful work and BW
Posted 18/06/2014 - 06:27 Link
Yes, you're right, Gray. I love cloud studies, particularly when there's a nice estuary involved like this one.

Two and a bit weeks until we go to North Wales...
Best wishes,


"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference.  All of them can record what you are seeing.  But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
My website:
Posted 18/06/2014 - 08:57 Link
Thanks Giulio and Andrew. After I read your words I got to thinking a story is involved here. So I typed the above story and added.

Hope you enjoy North Wales Andrew. I'm off to Spain. Never usually go abroad because I love Britain.
"The Latent Image that exists before development is a truly mystical and exciting entity and some subsequent individual photographs can make the spine tingle."

Good Fortune:

Gray Summers. Website
Posted 18/06/2014 - 10:57 Link
Serene image, nicely presented.
Posted 18/06/2014 - 18:19 Link
I hear the rolling thunder, how great the image. - Superior work, Tony
"It's not what you look at that's important, it's what you see" - Thoreau

Posted 18/06/2014 - 21:34 Link
Great Image and story, I look at that image and see adult cloud looking over child cloud.
PPG Link
Posted 18/06/2014 - 21:55 Link
Thanks for the comments all.
kilmas2 wrote:
Great Image and story, I look at that image and see adult cloud looking over child cloud.

I'm glad you noticed the two as I have seen. You have obvious soul .
"The Latent Image that exists before development is a truly mystical and exciting entity and some subsequent individual photographs can make the spine tingle."

Good Fortune:

Gray Summers. Website
Posted 19/06/2014 - 13:45 Link
Those rolling clouds! wonderful atmospheric shot Gray.
Posted 20/06/2014 - 19:17 Link
Thankyou Maria.
"The Latent Image that exists before development is a truly mystical and exciting entity and some subsequent individual photographs can make the spine tingle."

Good Fortune:

Gray Summers. Website
Posted 26/06/2014 - 19:55 Link
Wonderful composition and capture. - mary.

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