Jazzie and her lemonade
by trixie
Nice photograph and a pretty face but I'm really put off by people that wear ironmongery on their faces!
I agree and I got into a big debate about it !
"These places mean something and it's the job of a photographer to figure-out what the hell it is."
Robert Adams
"The camera doesn't make a bit of difference. All of them can record what you are seeing. But, you have to SEE."
Ernst Hass
My website: http://www.ephotozine.com/user/bwlchmawr-199050 http://s927.photobucket.com/home/ADC3440/index
Great photo by the way trixie.
Good Fortune:
Gray Summers. Website www.graysummers.com
Thank you all for your interest too
Best wishes Trixie
She's only young and experimenting, nothing wrong with wanting to be individual, it takes nothing away from the person at heart, lovely shot Trixie.
thank you so much Maria, she is a beautiful person
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15 years