Levels in Color
The colours are so vibrant! The composition shows them off brilliantly!
Thank you so much. Light was magical at that hour but I've given a go to Color Lab editing trying not to over makeup picture. Just a lick of color Lab editing. It works fine some times, IMHO.
These are colours that you simply do not get here, so bright and vibrant.
Well....I'm sure that you have beautiful and bright light there. Same as here. It Is important to be lucky as I was on that Morning. But I want to spend a few more words about Color Lab editing. It a great chance to make (up?) colors more appealing. Usually I seldom use it ....and I'm afraid to overfill my picture of color when not necessary. But this time It has worked IMHO. ( I apply color Lab as final step during my work flow. It Is on the last level and I set opacity at about 5or6 %).
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