The local egret

by davidwozhere

These are a rarity so far North in the Midlands. This one has been a winter and spring visitor for many years to our sparklingly clean tributary to the River Sherbourne (sweet stream) (so clean it has been called the Scriabourne (clear stream) for generations)...... there's a collection of nested brackets for you!
You can walk by and it pays you no notice and goes about fishing in the stream bottom but if you stop with a camera - it's off, downstream or into the canopy. It failed to take account of Takumar's finest 200mm however despite hiding in the twiggy depths.
Uploaded18/12/2024 - 23:44
CategoryWildlife / Nature
Shutter Speed1/800
Focal Length200mm

Posted 19/12/2024 - 09:20 Link
We have a similarly shy Egret here in Belper (Derbyshire). It loves to pose where there is am impossible dark background just to challenge your exposure skills!
Love this shot, exposure and focus bang on the nail.
645Z, K1, K1ii, K3iii + mono, KP,K70, K-3, K5ii, K10D, Ist* DL, Ist* D, QS-1 plus too many film bodies !
Flickr Page
Posted 19/12/2024 - 11:50 Link
I have a theory why many birds fly immediately you point a camera anywhere near them. I think they see a camera lens as an eye. Its the same as when your walking through woods and hedges. Birds hidden in trees and foliage are happy singing away until you stop walking, and if you dare look in their direction (Eye contact) they are up and away.
Posted 19/12/2024 - 19:58 Link
The subtle softness through to the sharpness still manages one eye.
Posted 20/12/2024 - 15:04 Link
An accomplishment, despite the admitted difficulties, worth celebrating. Like a lot.
Posted 21/12/2024 - 00:02 Link
David probably has the right of it. They perceive a lens as the eye of a predator and get out of range as fast as they can. That says a lot for the capability of their various perceptions, given the distance from lens to bird and the focal lengths of (say) this particular 200mm job.
Both the *istDS and the K5 are incurably addicted to old glass

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