flight of fancy
Edit - a correction to the above from Bill; Gary (K10D) posted a link to Xavi Bou's work a few months back
Super. Difficult to capture this natural display with a still camera but you've pulled it off to perfection with some expert work in post processing.
POTW territory.
... agree with Rob... would be great if Pentax added dark blend (on top of the existing bright, average and additive modes) to their multiple exposure options, then it could all be done in camera...
Agreed too - would be really useful feature IMO
Well executed and conceived shot.
Nice to see it being done one here,
Be great if you gave a run down on how it's done in the threads 👏👏👏👏
Derek - the technique is fairly simple. Put camera on tripod where there are birds circling around and fire the camera in rapid shot mode. I stopped after 14 shots.
The photos were then stacked in a programme that allowed a blend mode that picked the dark areas to keep through the stack; hence the silhouetted birds caught at different moments in flight. Having produced one photo with the flight pattern it was then a matter of using curves to brighten the sky a bit. The programme I used is a little known one that is (I think) available for free now as the developer has sort of stopped developing it/ having a major re-think; Picture Window Pro. For some reason although I took 14 shots, only 13 birds appear in each run; not sure what the programme is doing with the last shot!
I should probably try the stacking with something like serif's Affinity Photo, or ACDSee that I use.
As RobL and Bill have mentioned above, it would be great of Pentax added another option in their composite shooting mode that added 'dark' to the bright/ additive/ average that they give us. Then this effect could be done in camera.
Hope that helps
My Flikr Page link
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