Dogs and a 'cat'
by OldTaffy
The old docks, wharves and quays still exist among the skyscrapers of Canary Wharf, etc, but are no longer bustling with shipping. This view from the entrance to the old Greenland Dock, Rotherhithe.
My wife, who has an interest in the history of the old docks around here, was visiting the old Greenland Dock, base for the Baltic timber trade, the London whalers and much more. It was strange looking across to the Canary Wharf skyscrapers and knowing that the West India Docks, Millwall Dock, and the other quays and wharves around here were once filled with square-riggers, and later the steamships. They are now empty of shipping and lined with modern buildings.
Lizars 1910 "Challenge" quarter-plate camera; and some more recent stuff.
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