Twas Christmas Night in the Workhouse !
by PeterKR
"The camera never lies " !!!
This was actually the image projected onto the bathroom floor by the low light shining through a lattice topped stool !
Best wishes to all for an image filled 2016
Yes, I do believe the photographer's motto should be 'Carpe diem' (or in this case Carpe noctem !!!)
Late one night I glanced down at the bathroom floor and saw an array of lit windows as if on a block of flats or a Victorian mill building, so I just grabbed the nearest camera, got on hands and knees, and shot.
Because of the high ISO and the texture in the carpet the full size image looks very grainy so I was dubious about posting it ?
Then I thought it looked a bit like snow, so as it was Christmas .....
Thanks again
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3313 posts
10 years
Slap in the middle of England
Also, when you scroll down the page and the image moves upwards, you get a weird illusion of magnification
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