The Devil is in the details...
by morpheus71
Aaron Rose
A late evening view from the cliffs above Mutton Cove, looking across to the historic ex Royal Navy’s – Royal William Victualling Yard and the Devil’s Point. The transient golden light lasted about 20 seconds.
The island past the breakwater, at the end of Jennycliff Bay is the Great Mew Stone.
The luxury yachts are moored on the entrance to Stonehouse Creek.
(Plymouth Sound, South Devon, England)
Pentax K-X
Pentax 18-55mm SMC/ DAL lens (at 55mm)
1/250 second
Pseudo-HDR from 3 split RAW processed TIFFs (at -2, 0, +2 ev equivalents) in Photomatix Pro 3.26. Finished in Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Best viewed large!
The moment caught perfectly. Without the golden light this shot would have been just another seascape (albeit a very good one). The light transforms it to another level.
I agree with David.
So nice, could be Italy or some other Mediterranean location
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