Ornate Hinge
by Teaka53
This is one of a set of four ornate hinges on the doors into Oxborough Hall
Uploaded07/03/2015 - 20:40
Posted 08/03/2015 - 01:54
seeing, not just looking- umm, great work in this series - Very special - t
davidwozhere wrote:
This is a really nice set, focussing on the detail rather than the entire view.
It's amazing what you see when you have a camera!
This is a really nice set, focussing on the detail rather than the entire view.
It's amazing what you see when you have a camera!
"It's not what you look at that's important, it's what you see" - Thoreau
Posted 08/03/2015 - 17:07
Thank you both for you kind comments. I went with a friend from our photography group instead of the family so had much more time to really see things
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