The Winter Favourite
by davidstorm
I'm quite proud of this shot, hand-held with no camera support at 1/15 with a 300mm DA*300, no cropping, this is the full image.
Amazingly sharp considering the fact that this was taken with a 300mm lens hand held at 1/15th sec. Not just a testament to the shake reduction quality of the K3 but also a example of a photographer with a steady hand and extraordinary skill.
Thanks for this comment David, this little chap was hiding in a hedge at the side of the pathway, so it was quite dark, it was also approaching the end of the day so light levels were dropping. I don't like to increase the ISO too high so took my chances with the shutter speed, it was only when I got home I realised it was 1/15 and I'm amazed there isn't any shake. I took a sequence of these, there are a few that are this sharp and a few I will discard due to camera movement.
Cheers David
Every day's a holiday!
Best regards
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1405 posts
14 years
very well taken
pentax da*50-135 pentax da plm 55-300 sigma af 400mm
Pentax af aw 1.4 rear converter and a flash