Above a misty Bamford
by AndrewA
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
Agree, it's a beauty.
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
That's why photography is great - we all see things differently! All opinions are valid and we will never all agree. I think it's important that we do give constructive feedback without being nasty or offensive, this is how I learned to improve. I do find that there is not enough feedback on Gallery images, but maybe some would think that I give too much?
Agree, it's a beauty.
I'm not sure about moving the post more into shot. Might it become a bit too dominant? If anything I wonder if it would be better off without it. My eye hops between the spire and the post, meaning the birds don't get the attention they deserve!
That's why photography is great - we all see things differently! All opinions are valid and we will never all agree. I think it's important that we do give constructive feedback without being nasty or offensive, this is how I learned to improve. I do find that there is not enough feedback on Gallery images, but maybe some would think that I give too much?
I had thought about cropping the post out, but I can't work out if I prefer it or not!
Good Fortune:
Gray Summers. Website www.graysummers.com
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13 years
Nicola's Apartments, Kassiopi, Corfu
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