Spitfire at Duxford
by PeterKR
The striped markings were used specially for the D-Day operation so that the Allied ground forces would immediately know that the low flying aircaft were 'friendly' not enemy.
Taken on the Sigma 18-250mm at full zoom using Tv at 1/250s. Quite a slow speed for a moving object and a 250mm focal length but I found that anything faster 'froze' the props !
I feel your pain but a great moment captured. Well done
Lizars 1910 "Challenge" quarter-plate camera; and some more recent stuff.
This was my first airshow with the K-r and conditions were not the best (cold wind, drizzle, poor light plus one cloudburst which drove us all under cover !) This shot owes a lot to PSE 11 in turning a dull day into (apparently) a sunny one !
It was also my first visit to Duxford and I highly recommend it, even on a non-flying day, as there is SO much to see. The 18mm end of the Sigma lens came in useful for the indoor shots I took.
Best regards
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