Snakes and Ladder??
my critique
its an abstract , of a body that has taken a turn in the opposite of what was considered the natural flow of Titans.
i hope that those lines in your photograph reemerge in order for us minnions of a not so certain future
I see this as whimsy rather than abstract. Whatever it is, I really am fond of this one.
For some reason I have ventured into the “digital art” realm lately, and having a ball trying to guess what kind of transformations my straightforward compositions will undergo. The nasty weather we have been suffering lately has led me to get my photographic jollies indoors rather than out. Not that I haven’t posted quite a few “studio” images; but I have never dipped into digital art until now. Macros were my thing. Now it’s Photoshop filters, as you will see over the next few days.
The Hitchcock reference
it particularly applies to this photograph for myself , as i see a figure in the arrangement of pens
i watched many Hitchcock short films when young and the introductions he narratted
it just clicked with me in this photograph
If you are younger then maybe the guy that runs the nuclear factory in The Simpsons might strike a cord with the shape and form, maybe not
nothing of real note go4IT but just what resonates
its great to see at the same time and what each one perceives
makes life interesting and not managed
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31 posts
15 years